Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My obsession with finding the PERFECT tracking areas....

Those who have trained with me know how fussy I am about my tracking fields. In particular for young or inexperienced dogs. Regardless of the dog's skill level I am always careful that the environment helps me, rather than hinders me, in shaping or encouraging the behavior that I want.  I am pretty much constantly scanning the areas around me, analyzing their potential quality as tracking areas. Even when I am far far from home I find myself thinking "Oh that would be an awesome place to track....I should put that on my gps...."

This place is about 15 minutes north of the training center. It is a dead end area of a huge, new shopping center area/development. So far no one has even stopped to ask me what the heck I am doing (altough I have received some strange looks from passing motorists while laying tracks). The last building in the row is a massive furniture store which can't possibly be making enough $$ to stay in business. I think this is the most cars I have ever seen in the parking lot.

Next to that is the big movie theatre. Again not too many cars.....

Both parking lots, complete with grassy/mulch islands and medians make for an excellent place for variable surface tracking.

Next to all of that is a real nice area for working the little munchkin Amber. Perfect grass height for a green dog, not to short (scent can diffuse too far encouraging casting behavior) nor too high (discouraging a deeper nose).

And finally, as if all that weren't enough. The Corner Cafe Deli and Bakery off in the distance! Because we need something to do while the track is being aged!! I highly recommend the American Scrambler - it is healthy plus very tasty!

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