Monday, May 28, 2012

A long week with no computer....

Several weeks ago my laptop screen began to flicker. The laptop is two years old and has seen a pretty huge amount of travel, use and a little abuse (including a certain incident involving a german shepherd and a large glass of diet orange soda). The good news is that I bought a two year service plan (from Staples) which expires in about two days. The bad news is that there are no Staples stores in MS so I had to ship it off for repairs. It didn't take me long to see the obvious - even with a smartphone I can't function without a computer. So now I have a shiny new little travel laptop and I will leave the large unwieldy one home as a permanent computer. Cracks me up though to think  that the "big" laptop, probably weighing 5 pounds, is too big and unwieldy to travel with. Then again I threw floppy disks away when I moved so I guess I am officially getting old.

Over the past week I have had some adventures and am getting ready for some others as well. I traveled to Missouri simultaneously delivering the stray pitbull puppies to their foster home and attending the American Rottweiler Club National Specialty, showing both Steel and Jill. More on the National tomorrow, however here is a clip of the babies before they left. The brindle boy was still suspicious but the blond girl, while shy and skittish, was warming up to me and still hopeful that people could be good.  After a few days of eating hotdog pieces from my hands I was able to reach out and touch her. I will never forget the look on her face when I reached out one day and scratched her behind the ears. It is as if she was stunned by how good it felt, she looked at me as if to say "how did you know to do that?" I think in the right home and with some patience she could be a sweet and loyal dog. I am not sure how well the boy can recover from his awful start and handling however at least now they both are with someone who can work with them full time. With my travel schedule for the next few months I just wouldn't be able to give them the rehab socialization that they are going to need.

The Babies:

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