Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Back to blogging....


Calix, Jill, Steel and I are now in Mississippi. Notice I don't say we "live" in Mississippi yet. We may bolt at any moment - probably with Calix in the lead. He is used to a chaotic lifestyle but he has not yet learned the routine. Come to think of it neither have I..... Calix takes the "shepherd" part of german shepherd VERY seriously. Poor guy. I think he is having some serious angst about how well he can keep his flock safe. I don't even give him a break when I am home as I am still unpacking. No sooner does he get settled in the bedroom to watch over me than I move into the living room and he has to get up and settle in there to watch over me. Then it is off to the bedroom. Repeat..... Steel on the other hand is perfectly happy. He is however here trying to figure out why I cant bounce his planet earth ball down the hallway walls like I did in our old house. Other than that, as far as he is concerned, it's all good!  We are slowly getting back into dog training. Jill and Steel have been mainly doing some short sessions of obedience work and are very enthusiastic after sitting around doing nothing while I packed and moved. In my next post I will try to outline some of the things that I hope to do with them this fall. With my career change it is not real clear what exactly they will have a chance to do. Hopefully I will figure that out after we have been here for a bit - they are all used to staying very active and working so I will have to come up with something for them.

"Could you please stay in one place for five minutes......"

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